How can i change the colour of my writing in WordPress?

Are you knew to WordPress and you’re wondering how you can change the colour of your writing or text? Maybe you’re not new but not used to this particular effect of changing text colour. Whatever the Reason might be, all that matters is; you’re reading the right article.

This article will teach and guide you through all the necessary information needed for you to use the colour tool which let’s you change text colour in an article on WordPress. At the end of this Article, you should be able to change the colour of your writing on the content management site.

What is WordPress?

This question might appear to be totally irrelevant to whole bunch of people. However, a reasonable number of internet users will appreciate an answer to this question and that is exactly what we’re going to do.

WordPress is a content management system used by many websites around the word. Many websites use WordPress to manage the content on their websites, this includes making posts (writing articles) on their sites, editing the already written posts, deleting a post from your site or bringing it back. The use of WordPress have only increased since it’s release in May, 2003.

WordPress offers different themes for websites of different kinds, these helps in giving your site a remarkable look which can be considered to be more professional. Plugins are also made available to make the creation of content possible and admirable.

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Why use colour on your writing?

Very simple, to make your work look more organized, neat and beautiful. Using different colours appropriately and wisely truly gives an article a nice look makes it easier to read and comprehend. Colours can be used for headings or writings which have links to them.

Steps to change the colour of your writing on WordPress

You should follow the steps below to achieve your aim of changing the colour of your text on WordPress.

  • While already logged in to the site as an admin, click on “Create post”
  • Make a post you wish to make
  • Highlight the writing (text) you want to change it’s colour
  • Click on the colour tool (Normally a letter “A” with a line under)
  • Click on the colour you wish to use on the writing

Your text automatically changes to your selected colour, giving your work an better and beautiful look.

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