INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT: So you’ve finally decided to delete your Instagram account. The misinformation, the scams, the data privacy concerns, the strange company decisions
Your Instagram profile is no longer active, and you’ve moved on to other social media platforms such as… deleting Instagram?!
You’re probably aware of this, but just in case you aren’t: Instagram is owned by Facebook. And, while those platforms may have felt sufficiently distinct in the past, Instagram is increasingly experiencing the same kinds of issues as Facebook, including coronavirus disinformation, a role in foreign influence on elections, and scams.
If you’re ready to unsubscribe from Facebook, it might be time to say goodbye to your Instagram account as well.
So, are you ready? Okay, here’s how to permanently delete Instagram from your life.
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You can’t delete anything from the Instagram app.

First and foremost: You can stop looking for a delete button somewhere in the menus of your Instagram mobile app (you know, the thing most people use to surf and post on Instagram). The Instagram mobile app does not allow you to delete your account.
You can only delete your Instagram account by logging in from a desktop or mobile browser.
First, download your Instagram data.
However, before we proceed with the deletion of your account, you may want to download your data to your own personal computer hard drive.
To do so, log in to your account using a web browser and go to your profile page, then click “Settings” (the gears icon). On the pop-up menu, select “Privacy & Security,” then “Request Download” under Data Download.
Enter your email address and click the “next” button. Within 48 hours, Instagram will email you a downloadable file containing all of your data.
Have you collected your data? That’s great. Now it’s time to delete your account.
You should delete your Instagram account.
Log in to Instagram and navigate to the Instagram account deletion page. Are you deleting your account due to data security concerns? Concerns about privacy? Inform Instagram using the options in the drop-down menu.
Following that, you’ll be prompted to enter your password. Simply enter your Instagram password and click the “permanently delete my account” button.
Keep in mind! Your account, along with all of your photos and data, will be permanently removed from the platform. You will not be able to create a new account with the same username, so make sure you truly want to delete your account before clicking that button.
And… that’s all there is to it. You are now free of yet another social media platform run by Mark Zuckerberg.