Is it possible that I can hide a post from someone on Facebook?
The answer to this question is nothing but a big ‘YES’ you can hide a Facebook post from whichever of your friends you wish to hide it from, all you need to do is follow the steps which are later provided in this article with care.
Most times we make a post on Facebook but we wish some of our friends didn’t see it (post), it might be because that very post is what you want to keep away from him/her for personal reasons or you know he/she dislikes such posts.
There are things we discuss when we are with our peers, the language we use as well as our attitude/behavior is different from that which we use while talking to parents, uncles auntie or other elders.

The same thing applies to the usage of Facebook, sometimes we make posts and we only want our peers to see it, not our parents or siblings and some times, the posts are meant only for your siblings/family members.
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The above reason results to the question about “How to hide a post from someone on Facebook” This question, we shall answer.
How to hide a post from someone on Facebook
With the purpose of achieving your aim, you will want to follow the steps below carefully to hide whatever post you wish to hide from whoever you wish to hide it from. (Tutorial is based on the usage of Facebook Lite)
- Log into your Facebook account through the Facebook lite App
Go to create post (What’s on your mind?) - Make your post
Look on the top left around your profile picture, under your name - Click on ‘friends’
- Click on ‘friends except’
- Select the friend/friends you want to hide the post from then
- Click ‘Save’
- Click on ‘Post’
With the above steps followed carefully, all the selected friends will not see your post after you’ve posted it on Facebook.