Will you love to create an account with Netflix but don’t know how to go about it? Great! It’s actually great that you’re reading this Article because, it’s the right piece for you at the moment.
This very article will give you reasonable details about every step you need to take in order to create a Netflix account. The explanation is simple and very easy to understand, the steps are given in details and very easy to follow as well, all you need to do is; Read on.
What is Netflix?
To a good number of people, this question is truly irrelevant especially to those who are lovers of TV series & shows. However, for the sake of that mate who just got introduced to Series and shows then wants to create an account with Netflix, let’s make things more clear and interesting.

Netflix is actually known to be the most visited video streaming site in the world at the moment (February, 2021) and it looks set to maintain it’s position at the top for a very long while. New movies and series are uploaded to the site frequently to give the viewers something new at all times.
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Streaming videos on Netflix is not free, monthly subscriptions are required to be able to access their services (Movies and Series). Once subsribed, you can watch and download videos to your preferred device easily.
There are three available plans on Netflix, the “Basic”, “Standard”, and “Premium”. All have different benefits as well as different prizes. You have to choose one while creating an account.
So what steps should I follow to create a Netflix account?
Hopes exists that the above paragraphs of this Article helped you with something to understand more about Netflix. You will now want to follow the steps below to create an account with Netflix.
- Open your browser
- Visit https://www.netflix.com/signup (you can easily copy the link to your browser)
- To choose your plan, click on “see plans”
- Choose the plan that suits you better i.e “Standard”
- Click “Continue”
- Click the method of payment (Credit or debit card)
- Fill all necessary information in the provided spaces
- Click on “Start Paid Membership”
Whoop! That’s it, there you are with your newly created Netflix account, log in anytime to stream movies and series, download if wished, cheers.