Knowing how to check your IMEI number on every Mobile

Knowing how to check your IMEI number on every Mobile

Knowing how to check your IMEI number on every Mobile

The Importance of an IMEI number for every Mobile device is well known by many. And that calls for a huge desire to know “if my device has the number or not”. With many being ignorant of how to check, BenosTech will be teaching you how to check your IMEI number on every Mobile device.

With this article centered on the above topic, you should know how to check your IMEI number at the end of this work, and you should be able to do it all on your own because, it’s simple.

What’s an IMEI number?

The full meaning is; International Mobile Equipment identify. This is issued to every device which is made legally. The presence of this number on every device is important since most fake phones are know to be without it. That makes it’s presence a sign of authenticity.

An IMEI number is always 15 digits, nothing more or less. Any IMEI number with digits odder than 15 is considered to fake. That makes it wise for you to avoid devices with such IMEI’s.

Not only does it have to be 15 digits, it must. Wait, let’s say this again; it must begin with 35. An IMEI number beginning with anything but 35 is as well unreal.

When you check your IMEI number, keep these in mind.

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how to check your IMEI number on every Mobile device.

There’s no particular way of checking this 15 digits number on every device. The easiest way of doing this with your mobile in your hand is through USSD. Device model or type is completely insignificant as the code is meant for all.

To check your IMEI number, simply dial *#06# on your device and the number pops up automatically.

Note: This does not require the presence of any SIM card in your Mobile. This is because, the code is specially meant for the mobile and not any subscribers Identity Module.

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Know more about IMEI

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