How to keep a laptop super cool (Laptop maintenance)

Yes we all know it, a hot laptop is not wanted, it’s not advisable to let it become hot. That’s why we’re going to learn How to keep a laptop super cool.

A laptop may become hot due to different reasons, maybe the fans have a problem (You might have actually blocked them), or the system has worked too hard.

Are you turning your Laptop “On” currently after 2 or 3 hours of inactivity? It should be super cool this time. But after 30 minutes of usage, you’ll feel the device becoming hot, it will definitely become hotter after an hour especially if you’re playing high graphics games. Have you been playing Pro Evolution Soccer for over an hour? No way, you can’t keep that laptop on your laps anymore, it’s way to hot already.

What’s the importance of a cool laptop state?

Keeping the temperature of your device at a reasonable cool state is very important, not only for you the user who should feel your laps hurting, but also for the device components feeling the heat as well.

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So how do I keep a laptop super cool?

For the purpose of preventing too much unwanted heating of your device, you will want to follow the steps below carefully;

Cleaning the fans and vents

Yes! Fans are very important for your device’s temperature, manufacturers place this fans in the laptop to help cool it down if it gets too hot. Cleaning the fan is therefore very wise.

There might be dirt or other particles clinging around, blow and clean it carefully.

Most laptops have their fans placed deep inside where a finger can’t reach. No problem, unscrew the PC, clean it gently and screw it back nicely after making sure your vents (which allow air to escape) are well cleaned.

Provide Air

Are you using your laptop in a room with fans? Is there an Air Conditioner? Is No, That’s bad for the device’s temperature. To keep your lovely device super cool, you should blow it some air while you use it.

Do not block the Vents

The position of your PC while it’s being used matters alot, your laptop cannot be cool if you’ve kept it on the bed while your vents are under the device, air will not escape properly. This will make the PC too hot and also slow it down reasonably.

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